Saturday, August 15, 2015

This is the link, of a very useful website which helps teacher to be updated in order to provide students with different activities to keep them engage in classes.

ICT´s (Online resources)

Friday, August 14, 2015

ICT´s (Createing a test form, from Google Drive)

ICT´s (Designing a song worksheet)

To choose a song we should do it by: Grammar point, vocabulary, and context.

ICT´s ( Designing a Handout)

Importance of Visual Aids in the classroom

In agreement with Mac Ramirez who recognizes that visual aids can help to recreate real-life situations when the reality of English speaking environments might be otherwise inaccessible to students. In “The Neglected Tools Can Work for You” (1975), Ramirez outlines that learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome, as far as possible, the teacher should expose the student to real-life situations; when this is not possible, the visual aid can serve as a substitute, and make students to recreate context to practice an use the language which is learning, giving more relevance to what the student is learning as the teacher is creative in the way we present and develop the material during the class-moment.
 In my opinion are many the advantages we can identify when using visual aid, and common objects, some we can mention are:  To make teaching clear, To make teaching a part of one’s personal experience, To bring the teaching to mind in the future when the visual aid is seen, To involve more senses, To add interest, and To draw a crowd (especially slides, films and videos), visuals aids improve listener retention, and can keep students motivated to learn, and paying attention, also if you decided bring into the classroom interactive material, they will be willing to join in class and make the course interesting as you let the student choose and participate actively in the classroom.
English language educators, or any other teacher of second language should help to make teaching and learning more pleasant and, ultimately, more successful, and I strongly believe that the presence of visual aids in the classroom make the class interesting and authentic, the challenge for the teacher is to create visual aids which would be bright and cheerful, being creative, and follow the basic rules concerning with visual aids. In conclusion Visual Aids’ major advantage is that they can enrich your teaching-learning process, and the opportunities for use them are only restricted by the teacher-students´ imagination or ingenuity, but the teacher will never forget that s/he is the responsible of creating and giving meaning for the visual aids or realia bring into classroom contexts. 

Visual Aids (Foldables)

 These are a very original and new way of presenting the students a way for learning by doing,  you can permit students make their own foldables to develop understanding in a topic and creativity.

Visual Aids (Maps(Concept map, Mindmap))

A Concept map is top-down diagrammed, linked by words and arrows in a hierarchical way, using boxes that contain information, and developing only one concept.
A concept map is organized and systematic.    

                                                    A Mind-map is colorful, usually centered diagrammed, but it is more up to your imagination and creativity, linked by its own words to create little concepts, also it is is brainstorming level.  

Visual Aids (Wall Display)

A Wall Display is an area in the classroom destined to exhibit specific and useful information to students.

Visual Aids (Flashcards)

Flashcards, helps us to develop students imagination and vocabulary just by looking at different images.

Visual Aids (Charts)

We can use these charts to facilitate pieces of information to students in the classroom, Here we have Exemplar Chart which is useful to give or show students examples of different processes or as in this case how to use something, Strategy Chart to help them how to perform or do something easier, and a Routine Chart will tell students key words or phrases about how to create a habit, but also we can use a Process chart to tell them how to follow steps to do or create something.

Visual Aids,

Posters provide to the students concepts and complete information about a topic, 

Constructivist Board

Visual Aids

This is an useful template to write on poster.

Learning Board Use

Thursday, July 30, 2015


I am glad to share with all of you the creative and innovative outputs made in Material Design Class in the UPNFM, CURCEI that the English Career develops in order to prepare each student to demonstrate original and novelty ways of teaching.